Ante's Music
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Anté Svircic Composer

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Evocative orchestral and solo piano music

Anté Svircic is a multi instrumentalist and a contemporary composer. He works in a variety of different genres such as symphonic pop, orchestral, cinematic, chamber pop, neo-classical, classical crossover, adult contemporary, jazz and solo piano composition. His debut album Woven Path was released in 2019.

Anté Svircic was born and raised in Split, Croatia and has spent most of his life in the United States. He is now living in Southern Arizona. He began playing the piano when he was 6 years old. His parents took him to a convent where he was met by the music director Sister Superior Cecilia. She wanted to make sure she didn’t waste her time on a tone deaf boy! She took him aside and performed a number of different rhythms with her knuckles, knocking on the wooden window sill and said to him, repeat this. That was the beginning of his love affair with music.

At an early age Anté, bored with learning Beethoven, Mozart and Bach, discovered a passion for composing. He would whistle his new songs while walking around town. He created a number of different bands over the years in Croatia, playing keyboards, acoustic guitar, bass guitar and harmonica.

Shortly thereafter, Anté emigrated to the United States and life took him in many new directions. He did not return to music or play the piano for another 30 years. After his wife's continued insistence that he rekindle his love of music, Anté purchased a piano and started to build his recording studio where he now composes all of his music.


Anté Svircic


Composer and Multi Instrumentalist
